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Pepsi took advantage of this especially during the Obama campaign especially by taking the campaign colors and using it for the company logo. Opportunity and clever marketing is how Pepsi swayed the public sentiment.

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Q: How did Pepsi take advantage of anti-Coca-Cola sentiment?
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Some of the qualitative approaches to measuring consumer sentiment include social sentiment analysis, text mining, opinion mining, social listening, and sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is a thorough process, and leading companies have already taken advantage of assessing their customers' sentiments with tools like BytesView. This built trust in retailers and organizations, encouraging them to focus more on sentiment analysis and deciphering this complex interpretation, which can take the form of an image, an emoji, a sarcastic statement, an emotional tone, or an incomplete statement.

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The best way to enjoy Pepsi is to take one gulp at a time. Dont take sips!!

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I'm going to take a shot here but I'm betting I'm right but the company that produces Pepsi is Pepsi Cola.

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Tagalog translation of take advantage: nanlalamang

Coke or Pepsi quiz books?

They are awesome if you love to take and give quizzes! They are cheap and worth buying! My friends have it and they love "Coke Or Pepsi!"

What will Pepsi do to steel wool?

Depends on whether you leave the steel wool in the Pepsi. If you take it out, the water in the Pepsi will cause the steel wool to rust away. If you leave it in, the phosphoric acid will slowly dissolve the steel wool.

How consumers take advantage of businesses?

they take advantage of their lack of knowledge of the product.

How do you make a volcano out of Mentos and deit Pepsi?

Put the mentos in the Diet Pepsi and shake it up really good then quickly take the cap of and back up.

How do you use the phrase take advantage of in a sentence?

"I'm going to take advantage of the 50% discount offer." "The thief took advantage of my momentary distraction to take my bicycle."