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She wears light, airy, and flowing gowns.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Persephone, as a goddess in Greek mythology, was often depicted wearing flowing robes and a crown of flowers or grains to represent her connection to nature and the harvest. She was often depicted with a pomegranate in her hand, symbolizing her role as the queen of the underworld.

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Why did hades kidnap peresephone?

Hades was promised by Zeus that he could take Persephone as his wife. But Zeus neglected to inform Persephone or Demeter (Persephone's mother) of this. So, Hades sprang up from the earth and abducted Persephone, to take her with him back to the Underworld.

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Most likely?Kym Barrett

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When Persephone leaves the Underworld, her mother Demeter allows the earth to grow again and blossom into Spring.

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Up the back side.

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In the myths, Demeter (Persephone's mother) is the goddess of agriculture. The coming and going of her daughter Persephone from the underworld changes the season. As you can guess, when Persephone came back to earth it was summer while when she was at her husbands (Hades) side up on Earth it was winter.

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Persephone had ate the pomegranate the food of the Underworld.

What color was Persephone dress?

white with gold is good, but blue is also pretty :) hope this helped!

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Who is rolling a boulder up a mountain in the Underworld?

Siphyus because he tricked Persephone into letting him go back to "The Land of The Living".

What moods did Demeter have?

She was dejected when Persephone had been taken from her and happy every time (once a year) when Persephone was back with her.

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Every year when persephone comes back to the underworld for six months after she leaves for six months

Why did Demeter follow Persephone?

Persephone was Demeter's daghter, so when hades kidnapped her, of course Demeter wanted her back. Eventually, the time Persephone spent with Demeter and the time with Hades was divided. When Persephone was with Hades, it was Winter. When she was with Demeter, it was Summer.