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Gregory the Great died on March 12, 604, at Rome, Italy of natural causes.

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Q: How did Saint Gregory the Great die?
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Why did Gregory the Great die?

Pope Saint Gregory the Great died in the year 604 of natural causes. He was 64 years old at the time.

When did Saint Gregory the Great die?

St. Gregory died on March 12, 604, at Rome, Italy of natural causes.

Who was the Pope Gregory known as Gregory the Great?

That would be Pope Saint Gregory I.

When was Saint Gregory the great born?

Gregory the Great was born about the year 540 in Rome.

Who is the patron saint of the popes?

Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Peter are the patron saints of the popes.

Where did Gregory the great study?

Pope Saint Gregory I, the Great, was born, lived and died in Rome.

What is st. Gregory the great patron of?

St. Gregory the Great is the patron saint of musicians, singers, students, teachers, and the papacy. He is also known as the patron saint against plague and gout.

Where was Saint Gregory born?

There are several saints named Gregory. However, Pope Saint Gregory the Great was born about the year 540 at Rome, Italy.

When did Saint Gregory the Great live?

Gregory lived in the 6th century and died in the year 604.

Where is Saint Gregory buried?

Saint Gregory the Great is buried in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy. His remains are located in a sarcophagus below the main altar of the Chapel of the Madonna of the Column.

Why is Saint Gregory the patron saint of singers?

Pope St. Gregory the Great is the patron saint of singers and choirs because he is the one who compiled and advanced Gregorian Chant (named after him).

When did the Saint Gregorian die?

There is no saint by that name. However, there are very many saints by the name of Gregory.