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Russia was a failing empire. Its leader, Nicholas II, was a terrible ruler, more interested in partying than ruling; his wife was controlled by a crazy sex addict named Rasputin; and the peasants of Russia were tired of being slaves (or serfs, as they called them). Also, World War I did not go well for the Russians, as they were cut off from the other powers by naval blockades (ottomans to the south, Germany in the east, freezing cold in the west). World War I did not cause the October revolution, but it intensified Russia's problems. If you want to learn more, DO NOT WATCH THE DISNEY MOVIE ANASTASIA. ok, now that that is out of the way, i read this great book called The Fall of Eagles, about the reasons for the downfall of the three eagle empires (prussia, russia, and Austria had eagles for their seals)

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Q: How did World War 1 lead to the collapse of Imperial Russia?
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