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They were dedicated and skilled fighters, but their motivation was more one of seeking unification then of communistic ideals.

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Q: How did a Vietcong soldier fighting in Vietnam feel about the war?
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How did the mothers of Australian soldier's feel during the Vietnam War?

The same as American, Vietnamese, New Zealander, South Korean, Thailand, Philippine, and Communist mothers.

How did American soldiers feel about being in Vietnam?

typically a vietcong soldier had undying loyalty to his cause and he would never surender and he would sooner die then let the U.S prevail. The reason behind this is because unlike the NVA who forced most of their army into service the vietcong was a seperate militia that was not apart of the NVA conventional millitary. The vietcong wasn't much differnt then the insurgents in the middle east today. They were mostly radicals who voulentered to be in the Vietcong. And any soldeirs who joined and were not Loyal enough for the officers liking were executed. But this was usally never the case. One reason this was, because the Vietcong was vastly made up of children that were as young as twelve, and had been basically brainwashed into having undying loyalty the the Vietcong cause.

How you feel when you where a soldier?

it depends

How might a soldier feel if he was fighting for his life?

When faced with an opponent who is actually trying to kill the soldier, a biological reaction of "fight or flight" occurs, meaning that they either flee in terror or become violently angry and kill the assailant. Some people feel guilt after killing someone, but generally it is accepted that in a situation of combat, it was the only way to survive.

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The song MIA is about how a soldier who has fought in a war would feel. The members of Avenged Sevenfold have good friends fighting in the war, and that song is dedicated to their friends in the army.

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They would feel very frightened and nervous

Example of level 3 question?

IMAGINE you were a soldier fighting in the Civil War. How would you feel? Words found in level 3 questions include: Evaluating, Judging, Applying a principle, Speculationg, Imagining, Predicting, Hypothesizing.

Should American soldiers stay in Afghanistan?

It depends on your point of view. If you are a soldier in Afghanistan, you should keep track about how you feel about fighting in a war. If you feel stressed about killing, ask your commanding officer or a dear friend for help. If you are a citizen, keep in mind that the soldiers are risking their lives to help you live in a safer place free from terrorism. Now if you are a Taliban soldier or Al-Qaeda... one of you killed my cousin.

Why did president Eisenhower feel that fighting in Vietnam was necessary?

Eisenhower believed in the domino theory. That was the belief that communist governments were united in an effort to dominate the world and that communists were infiltrating democratic governments to turn them communist one at a time. He believed that stopping the spread of communism had to done in Vietnam and other places where it could still be stopped.

Do you agree with the Vietnam war or not?

i feel like it does it isn't right> :(

How did hippies feel after Vietnam ended?

They lost their purpose in life.

How did the opposers to the Vietnam war feel?

Angry, they didn't want to get drafted.