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Hundreds of ways. to quote Sun Tzu (The Art of War) "All war is deception".

The allies employed dozens if not hundreds of deceptions for example: Pretending

that the landings would take place at Pais du Calle ( the shortest distance from Britain) by creating a false army using inflatable dummy tanks and vehicles presumably commanded by Gen. Patton. By sending false intel from captured German spies, like Garbo, inferring that Normandy was only a feint. By getting intel from broken axis codes.By building the floating bridge work to off load heavy weapons and material. And those are just a few examples.

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In WW2 the Germans invaded Belgium to prepare an easy route for the invasion of France.

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To defend against an expected Allied invasion of France in WW2, the Germans built a string of fortifications along the west coast of France. It was called the Atlantic Wall.

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