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Archaeologists became aware of the existence of the Nok people through the discovery of terracotta figurines and other artifacts in central Nigeria in the 1920s. These artifacts provided evidence of a sophisticated ancient culture that thrived in the region between 500 BC and 200 AD. Subsequent excavations and research have helped illuminate the cultural and artistic achievements of the Nok people.

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Q: How did archaeologist's become aware of the existence of Nok people?
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In what ways are modern archeologists more careful to withhold interpretation of their findings?

Modern archaeologists are more careful to withhold interpretation of their findings by relying on empirical evidence and multiple lines of data to support their conclusions. They also engage in peer reviews and collaborations to ensure the accuracy and validity of their interpretations before making them public. Additionally, they prioritize transparency about the limitations and uncertainties of their findings.

How do you protect archaeology?

Archaeology can be protected by enforcing legislation and regulations that govern the preservation of archaeological sites and artifacts. This can include creating protected areas, conducting surveys before development projects, and promoting public awareness and education about the importance of archaeological heritage. Collaboration between government agencies, archaeologists, local communities, and developers is also crucial to ensure the sustainable management of archaeological resources.

Are archaeological findings unbiased?

Archaeological findings, like any scientific discovery, are based on evidence and data collected from excavation sites. While archaeologists strive to be objective in their interpretations, biases can still arise in the process. It is important for researchers to be aware of and actively work to minimize any potential biases in their analysis and conclusions.

When were the first mountains to be discovered?

Mountains have existed on Earth for millions of years, so they were not "discovered" at a specific point in time. People have been aware of the presence of mountains since ancient times through their natural surroundings. Early explorers and travelers would have encountered mountains in their journeys throughout history.

Why Historians are concerned with accuracy of their writings and readings but are also aware of?

Historians are concerned with accuracy to ensure that the information they provide is reliable and can be trusted by others. They are also aware of the limitations of historical sources, such as bias or incomplete information, and strive to critically evaluate and interpret these sources to present a well-rounded and nuanced understanding of the past.

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