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The "lost knowledge" in ancient Greek texts reintroducedby the Islamic Moorish invaders in Spain enabled the Europeans to build things that had not existed there since the fall of the Roman Empire. This ignited an interest in learning that had been largely extinguished under the Catholic church, bringing on the Renaissance and ending the Middle Ages. There were no actual "advances", only the reintroduction of previously existing knowledge either once lost or actively suppressed (e.g. the burning of the Library of Alexandria by the decree of the Coptic Christian Pope Theophilus of Alexandria in 391 AD).

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Q: How did engineering and technological advances lead to the end of the Middle Ages?
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Why do engineers must analyze structures in great deal?

The point is to make economic structures. In the middle ages buildings were made with very thick walls just to be safe - but it was not economic. With proper structural analysis you can make buildings that stay up but are relatively cheap to make.

What is the difference between Japanese architecture in the early ages from American architecture now?

Nothing they are the same

Were hair ties invented in 1920's?

Actually, there is historical evidence that women have used things in their hair for thousands of years. Paintings have shown women with ties, ribbons, and other items in the hair. Ancient Roman women also used wigs and extensions and paintings from the Middle Ages show women with ties interwoven with braids. The French court in the 1700's show paintings with women wearing very involved hair. Some even had birdcages interwoven in the hair.

What is the name of the first robot made by man?

Talos was a gigantic bronze creature, the guardian of the island Crete. He was claimed to have been created in Sardinia by Hephaestus and given the Cretan king Minos. This may have happened in about 400 BCE.Throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance craftsmen made automatons that could write, imitate birds or appear to walk. These were more toys than robots. The first industrial robot was created in 1954 by George Devol. He called it the Universal Automation.

How old is welding?

While welding as it is known today did not come about until the 19th century, primitive welding processes have been in existence for thousands of years. Metal tools and weapons have been discovered dating back to 1000 B.C.E. It was during the Bronze Age that humans first learned to fuse two metals together using heat. The Iron Age brought about increased use of fusing procedures. In the Middle Ages, blacksmithing was developed, which joined two metals through the use of fire and hammering. Source:

Related questions

What changes occurred in technology at the end of the Middle Ages?

There were several technological advances in the Early Middle Ages that paved the way for the High Middle Ages. One was the invention of the horse collar. Another was the heavy plow. Another was the three field system of crop rotation. Yet another was the horse shoe. Among them these increased agricultural production in Europe quite a lot, making it possible to support the towns and cities of the High Middle Ages. Another set of technologies were the invention of the stirrup and the arched saddle. These combined with the introduction of a new type of lance and the tactics to use it radically altered the technology of warfare and made the mounted knight paramount on battlefields of the High Middle Ages. There is an important point to be made here, however. The advances that caused Europe to pass from the Early Middle Ages to the High Middle Ages were more social and political than technological. The technological developments above were not things developed or invented immediately before the High Middle Ages, but introduced over a long period, and their effects accumulated slowly.

Antiseptic and anesthesia advances were initially made during the?

The first advances in anesthesia and antiseptics were made during the Middle Ages. It was then people first realized the importance of bacteria and pain control and management.

In the middle ages the Muslims lost all land exept for what?

Islam begin to spread from Arabia, where it began in the Middle Ages. By the end of the Middle Ages, it had spread through much of Asia and Africa and into Europe. The Muslims lost most of Spain, except for Grenada, but the losses in Spain were very small, compared to the advances they had made elsewhere.

Where and how did Europe expand during the High Middle Ages?

Europe expanded mostly east and south, due to major advances and yes, the crusades

What is the period in Europe between AD 500 and 1500 known as?

The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

What advances in the middle ages lead to discovery of the early America?

The development of the lateen sail, the rudder, and the astrolabe gave sailors a means to navigate in open water.

What was a explorers in a Middle Ages?

There was no explorers in the middle ages. When exploration started that is when the middle ages ended.

How do you Explain two advances in education during the Middle ages?

Two advances in education during the Middle Ages were that scholars created a new form of writing that made it easier to read. Students in universities studied Latin grammar and rhetoric, logic, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and music. Books at that time were hand copied and very rare, so teachers often read to students.

What is the third period of the middle ages called?

The third period of the Middle Ages was the Late Middle Ages. The first is called the Early Middle Ages or the Dark Age. The second period was the High Middle Ages.

What time was the middle ages?

Early Middle Ages 400 - 700, High Middle Ages 700 - 1300, Late Middle Ages 1300 -1500.

What was so different about the roman life and the middle ages?

The Romans had quite advanced civil engineering technology that was not again replicated until the early 1800s, this had all been lost with the fall of the empire so the middle ages had only very primitive technologies.

How the Middle Ages was a departure from the Renaissance?

Here is a quick answer. The middle ages was different from the renaissance because the renaissance was basicly a time when the arts music and science reawakened and had some advances to it. People were more interested about art, music, literature, and science in the renaissance. During the middle ages it was not as important to the people, so when the renaissance came the arts were kind of reintroduced to the people. The renaissance lasted from about 1300 to 1600.