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Slaves were considered animals, so they were not treated human. Slaves who worked and lived on plantations were the most frequently punished. Punishment could be administered by the plantation owner or master, his wife, children (white males), and most often by the overseer or driver. Slaves were punished with a variety of objects and instruments(whips, etc).

The treatment of slaves depended completely on their "owners".

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Treatment varied:The Romans had laws and rules at some point governing the treatment, use, and release of Slaves.

Others like Nazi Germany in their concentration camps the stated purpose was to work the slaves to death.

In the old south the slaves were property, just like a cow or a dog but much more valuable. It was certainly to owner's advantage to keep his slaves in good physical condition. Of course, slaves had no freedom of choice and slaves who did not obey orders were beaten or punished in others harsh ways.

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How did slave owners treat their slaves?

Slave owners treated their slaves as property rather than as human beings, subjecting them to harsh living conditions, physical abuse, and forced labor. They had complete control over all aspects of their slaves' lives and often used violence and fear to maintain power and control. Slave owners sought to dehumanize their slaves in order to justify their exploitation and mistreatment.

How did the enlightenment alter the relationship between owners and slaves?

we are all humans so we should not keep any difference in slaves and owners so we should treat them as our friends.

Why did some slave owners treat their slaves badly?

Some slave owners treated their slaves badly because they saw them as primitive people, not high enough to exist in their league. Because slave owners bought their slaves they regarded them as property and not people. In the past slaves had no rights.

Why would southern slave holders say that they treat their slaves better than northern factory owners did their free labor factor workers?

because southern slaves are stupid

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The slave owners bought their slaves at auctions.

Why were slaves in Haiti treated worse than in America?

The French slave owners in Haiti had made a business decision that it was cheaper to treat slaves badly and then replace them with new slaves after they were worked to death, whereas American slave owners generally found it more profitable to keep their slaves in relatively good condition and thereby get more work out of them.

How many slaves did most slave owners hold?

depends. Plantation owners had slaves ranging from 20 to 100s. home owners had slaves as servants ranging from 1 to 3. the armies too had slaves. the number of slaves owned depended on the needs of the owners.

Who punished the slaves?

trusted slaves or there owners

What can slaves do?

slaves can do anything their owners say they have to do.

Did slave owners have children by slaves?

Yes. Females slaves were raped by owners to give birth to Mulatos, which were slaves as well.