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because southern slaves are stupid

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Q: Why would southern slave holders say that they treat their slaves better than northern factory owners did their free labor factor workers?
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Why did northern workers oppose abolitionists prior to the civil war?

The Abolitionists were anti-slavery. The advocated for enslaved African Americans in the south. This upset the northern factory workers, because they were basically slaves themselves. They lived in factory communities(apartment blocks of sorts) worked 12-14hr shifts, and any money they made went towards buying food and paying for the apartments they had to live in. Essentially all the money that was made was payed right back to the factory owners. In other words Northern factory workers cried for help as much as southern slaves

What did the southern whites criticized northern business owners for?

not caring for their workers

How was northern society different southern society?

North of Us: industrialized, small numbers of slaves, mostly traders, factories, factory workers; the South: plantations depending on 3 million black slaves' work.The owners felt themselves as nobles.

Did northern farms or southern farms use more enslaved workers and why?

they loved their faimly

Southern slave owners criticized factory owners in the North because?

Type your answer here... free factory workers were treated worse than slaves.

Did southern farms use more enslaved workers or northern farms?

Yes, in fact, northern farms didn't have slaves. It was the southern states only that used slavery. By 1860 there were 6 million slaves in the southern states.

Did Northern farms or Southern farms use more enslaves workers?

The southern farms had far more enslaved worker than the Northern farms because the Southern had more land and needed more work done on the plantations.

Did northern farms or southern farms used more enslaved workers?

The southern farms had far more enslaved worker than the Northern farms because the Southern had more land and needed more work done on the plantations.

What happen in northern factory workers in 1860?

Northern factory workers worked with dangerous materials and in high heat. Also factory workers rarely got to spend time with their families because they worked 13-15 hour days and when they were not working they were sleeping to prepare for work the next day. children worked for .30-.60 cents a week and adults worked for .75-1.00 a week there were tenements that the factory workers lived in and for an entire tenement building there were about three times the amount of rooms as an apartment building and about 1/4 the size of one.

Why did southern criticize northern business owners?

White people in the south were very critical of northern business owners. Their main criticism of the northern business owners was the poor way that they treated their workers.

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Factory workers

During the progressive era were child factory workers supervized?

Child factory workers, like all workers, were supervised.