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First, the main eruption was in June, not May.

There were a number of signs, starting with earthquakes and steam explosions indicating the volcano was becoming active. Gas measurements and later earthquakes clearly showed that magma was rising. The volcano's activity gradually escalated until its climactic eruption. When a lava dome appeared on the flanks, it was a sign that Pinatubo was about ready to blow.

Furthermore, by studying deposits in the surrounding area, scientists knew that Pinatubo was prone to very large eruptions and so represent a very great danger.

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Q: How did scientists know to evacuate 85000 people before Mt Pinatubo erupted in May 1991?
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Did mount Pinatubo erupt before 1991?

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No. It erupted several times in 1991 before and after its climactic eruption. Prior to that, though, it had not erupted in recorded history, with its last eruption occurring about 600 years ago.

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How do scientists save lives?

First of all you cant block a natural disaster from happening all you can do is prevent damage. This is reality, and what earth scientists do. They find about events before happening. By doing this they can evacuate the people from the area and save their lives. for example if there's an earth scientist who finds out a tsunami is coming to Thailand and lets say and millions of people are on the beach, they can evacuate these people and they just saved them from getting hurt.

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