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thay felt very bad

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Q: How did slaves feel when they were away from their family?
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How does Virginia feel about slaves?

they feel great to be alive and home with there family

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Slaves, who were ripped away from family by the government, and treated like slaves.

What was it like for slaves when they were running away?

they would feel as if the were being followed everywhere.

Did free blacks have slaves?

Yes, there are records of free blacks slaves owning slaves. This was a complex issue. Some did it to feel in charge, some did it to save friends and family, and some did it for other reasons.

How did slaves feel about the white people who slaved them?

How would you feel about someone who captured you? Obviously the slaves hated their captors, because they took them away from their home and their family and treated them like animals. Most slaves never revolted or ran because they were scared of being beaten or killed. They had to do what their "masters" told them to in order to survive. You should watch Roots, it explains a lot about slavery and just how bad it was.

How did slaves feel about slavery?

slaves felt very angry that they wanted to die or they just kill themselves and when they are sold to another person they revolt or kill they're master and run away.

What was important personally to slaves?

Family. When slaves where sold families were broken, slaves wanted to be reunited with their family

What kinds of slaves ran away?

The types of slaves that ran away were usually the slaves who were ready to be sold. However, all different kinds of slaves ran away, as this was their form of resistance.

Was Harriet Tubman family slaves?

Her and her whole family grew up as slaves.

How did slaves feel while their enslaved?

Think how you would feel if you were a slave, considered property, not free to go where you want, illegal to learn to read, not able to own property ,not paid for your work, have your name taken away, not able to speak your native language, not able to practice your religion, to have your children or husband sold away from you, need a pass to go anywhere. These are what slaves faced and the way they lived. So, how did they feel?

Was family important to the slaves?

Family was very important to slaves. Because their family were the only people they could count on.

How did slaves feel worthless?

slaves feel worthless because they are forced to do work, and get very little pay for their labour.