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Q: How did the Great Awakening influence the creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
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How do the rights found in the US Constitution and the bill of rights reflect the influence of classical republicanism and natural rights philosophy?

how do the rights found in the u.s constitution and the bill of rights reflect the influence of classical republicanism and natural rights philosophy

Did natural rights influence the US Constitution?


How did the natural rights philosophy and state constitutions impact the creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

the declaration of independence

Which is an example of the second Great Awakening's influence on society?

More people joined the antislavery and women's rights movements.

How did the English Bill of Rights and the Mayflower Compact influence in the US Constitution?

both set rights for people.

How did the Magna Carta English Bill of Rights and the Petition of Rights influence the writers of the Constitution?

The Magna Carta influenced the writers of the constitution because it took power from the king and gave some to the nobels.

What is the bill of rights and who insisted on the creation?

It's the first ten amendments. James Madison and the Federalists insisted on its creation in order to ratify the constitution

What did the Bill of Rights say in the Constitution?

They're technically NOT in the Constitution. The Bill of Rights were SPECIFICALLY left out of the Constitution, but were ratified as ten amendments to the Constitution immediately after it's creation. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution and enumerate various rights to be held by all citizens of the US - freedom of speech, religion, to assemble, to bear arms, etc...

Was the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights more influential of the framing of our Constitution and why?

The Declaration of Independence was written before the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was written after the Constitution, so when it comes to the influence on the writing of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights cannot be the correct answer. Therefore, the correct answer is the Declaration of Independence.

What events or law brought about the creation of the amendments?

Some of the framers of the Constitution wanted a section added to the Constitution to spell out the rights of the people. It was decided that the constitution would be sent to the states for ratification, and as soon as ratified, the Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution.

How did the constitution influence the government?

helped us have rights, with a strong government at the same time

Which is a good example of the influence of the enlightenment ideas on state constitution?

Natural rights - Most state constitutions had a bill of rights.