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The Ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was made up of four elements: Earth, water, fire and air. These elements then corresponded with the seasons due to their properties: e.g. fire =F= summer because it is associated with heat. This idea also extended into medicine, as Hippocratic ideas were established, where it was believed that the body was made up from four humours: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, and one became ill when any of these humours became out of balance. This idea was not difficult for the Ancient Greeks to accept as the each humour corresponded with a season. For example: blood =F= spring (it is warm and moist) phlegm's =F= winter (one was thought to have an excess of phlegm's when one had a cold, therefore due to the fact one usually gets colds in the winter this humour was associated with it) yellow bile =F= summer (an excess of this humour was thought to cause sweating, and the yellow colour is also thought to be summery) black bile =F= autumn (the colour of the dead leaves is associated with this humour, and it was also thought to cause dry skin, again a similar property of dry leaves). I hope this answer is a satisfactory one

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As the Stoics said 'the more you examine a problem, the more obvious the answer becomes'.

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