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The Hawaiian Island chain formed from a mantle plume and moving plates.

The rising mantle plume causes crustal material to melt at depth, which results in volcanism and finally in the formation of a volcanic island. Since the Pacific Plate is in continuous (although slow) movement, the same mantle plume will cause volcanism subsequently in different places and this is expressed at the surface as a chain of volcanoes or volcanic islands.

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Q: How did the Hawaiian chain island form?
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What is the largest island in the Hawaiian chain?

The Island of Hawaii or the Big Island as it is known.

What is the formation of a Hawaiian island?

The Hawaiian Islands are formed from a chain of volcanoes, some still active.

What is the cause for the growth of the hawaiian island chain?

volcanic activity

Is it possible for a new island to form on the hawaiian island chain?

Yes. Currently a volcano named Loihi is building up off the coast of the big island. In a few hundred thousand years it will reach the ocean surface and form a new island.

Is Hawaii an island chain?

Yes, Hawaii is an island. It is the largest of the 8 main Hawaiian islands, also known as the Big Island.

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The Hawaiian Islands, or Hawaii



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The Hawaiian Island chain is an archipelago.

Predict where the next volcanic hawaiian island will form?

The next Hawaiian volcano will most likely form near the Hawaiian hot spot.

Was Hawaii Considered a Continent During 1778?

No, Hawaii is an island, Hawaii is now a state, the Hawaiian Islands are an island chain (archipelago) that are actually the Southeastern (or Windward) islands of a larger chain - the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount Chain. Either way, not a continent, never was, not even considered.

What are groups of volcanoes called?

If it is a single island, it is simply known as a volcanic island! If however it is a chain or string of separate islands then it may be a volcanic island arc (these form parallel to trenches at subduction zones) or a volcanic island chain (these form where a mantle plume creates a hotspot and may be in the centre of a tectonic plate. A good example would be the Hawaiian island chain). They can also form a cluster of islands (an archipelago) such as the Canary Islands (again formed by hotspot volcanism) in the Atlantic of the coast of Morocco.

What year did Kamehameha take over the Hawaiian island chain?

Unification was completed in 1810.