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The Mughals were able to defeat Ibrahim Lodhi. Babar also defeated Rana Sanga. More information on this topic is required.

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Q: How did the Mughals succeed in establishing their rule in India?
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Related questions

What effect did the Mughals have on India during their rule?

Muslim culture dominated in parts of India.

What was the economic success that the mughals in India was dependent on?

economic success of subjects under their rule

How many years did the Mughals rule?

The Mughuls ruled India from 1526-40 and 1555- 1857.

What type of clothing did people in India wear during the rule of the Mughals?

there wore things that wornt good they were ugly

When did the Mughals rule?

The Mughals ruled from 1526 to 1857. The first six Mughal Emperors: Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb, are known as the Great Mughals. The Mughal rulers after Aurangzeb are called Later Mughals.

How are Mughal and British rule alike?

Both Mughal and British rule in India were characterized by centralized authority, administrative systems, and military control. However, the Mughals ruled through a more decentralized system of governance with a focus on religious tolerance and cultural integration, while the British implemented a more direct and exploitative colonial administration that eventually led to Indian independence.

After mughal Power declined oh what group took control over most of India?

After the decline of mughals, the marathas took over for a short period. Then Britishers came and used there divide and rule policy. Ultimately British tool over most of India.

Who were the Mughals?

The word 'mughal' is derived from the word 'mongol'. The Mughals were the descendants of the Mongols of Mongolia in Central Asia. They used artillery in war.Babur, the founder of Mughal dynasty, was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother.the mughal empire was very vast. it replaced the Delhi sultanate in India it was the first mughal rule in India there were great kings like Akbar Jahangir etc. it covered nearly the whole of India

Was Babur was the first Mughal king?

Yes, Babur is the founder of Mughal rule in India, he is the first mughal king. Mughals is a dynasty formed from the divided Mongol dynasty of Persia(now Iran). Babur was a Muslim and a descendant of Genghis Khan.

How did Augustus begin the rule of Rome?

By establishing a partnership with the Senate.

When was Company rule in India created?

Company rule in India was created in 1757.

Why was the mughal empire successful?

The mughal rule were successful because their rule was very one was able that no one could lie in front of the emperor.under the mughals arts,literature and architecture florished.