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Athens led the Delian League coalition which it led in the last phase o the war against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own, continuing to enforce collection of the war contributions after the war was over, and spending the money on itself.

When Athens fell out with other city-states led by Sparta resulting in the Peloponnesian War, Persia bankrolled the fleet of the Spartan alliance which defeated Athens.

Who really benefited - the Greek world was devastated by the endless wars.

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About 180 of them which had been under control of the Persian Empire were freed from this, only to be brought under control of Athens, which had organised the Delian League to achieve this, but then turned it into an empire of its own, living well on the proceeds. With the Greek cities going back to thir usual fighting each other and weakened by the losses, Persia reclaimed the liberated cities 60 yers later to re-establish stability in its region.

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Q: How did the Persian War help Greek city-states?
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