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Annabel Jacobs

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2y ago
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12y ago

The details of the development and spread of what would become Lutheranism are outside the confines of U.S. history, but it is important to note that the movement quickly gained adherents in the German states, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Scotland and portions of France. Support came from sincere religious reformers, while others manipulated the movement to gain control of valuable church property.

Lutheranism would have some impact on the development of American history, but far more important were the efforts of the reformers of the reform movement. Ideas set forth by John Calvin, a French theologian living in Geneva, were particularly influential. The Puritans, Huguenots and Presbyterians played prominently in the settlement of America and in the molding of colonial beliefs and values.

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12y ago

First off, what the reformation is referring to is the reforming of Christianity. During the reformation, men like Martin Luther began to question the Roman Catholic Church. This basically led to what we today as Protestant Christianity. People saught religious freedom because of the Roman Catholic Churches very harsh retaliation to peolple like Martin Luthor; therefore, they fled to the new world. This then led to methodist, baptist, nazarene, 7th day adventist christians etc. Those all are not different religions, just christians with different doctrinal beliefs.

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11y ago

it made people seem really retarded, because they were. if you are reading this because you need help on ur home work, i feel ya, history really sucks and it is boring

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13y ago


Lot of changes in the infrastructure, technology etc other than the human behavioral pattern

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14y ago

How did the Reformation in Great Britain affect the colonization of the New World? Explain.

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Q: How did the Reformation affect the world outside Europe?
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