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Because instead charge forward through the Native American encampment, Custer, without any apparent need made his men to dismount from the horses and ordered to retreat up hill to seize an apparently strong defensive position.
The withdraw took place in a disordered way thus giving the pursuing Indians the opportunity to kill the American soldiers in little groups and or separately along the way.
According to the witness of several Cheyenne warriors, who had fought there, at the onset of the encounter there were no more than ten warriors who opposed, on foot and hidden in the brushes, the cavalrymen and therefore, had Custer carried out the charge he would have certainly broken through the unprepared dismounted opponents in the encampment, scattering them and gaining a tactical victory.

Custer divided his forces and mistakenly attacked a force larger than his
Because he was out numbered.
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In military terms they won by having an overwhelming numerical advantage, by using superior fire-power and by responding quickly and effectively to the attacks at the south end of their villages (Reno) and at the north-east of their villages (Custer).

Although not expecting an attack by the 7th cavalry (their huge numbers made the natives feel secure), they responded quickly to Reno's initial skirmish line south of the village and gradually overwhelmed and outflanked that attack. Reno realised he had insufficient troops to hold the position so he withdrew in panic across the river to take up a defensive position on Reno Hill.

Keeping Reno pinned down with relatively few men, the Sioux, Arapahoes and Cheyenne were able to prepare and concentrate their combined forces against Custer's battalion, which was quickly surrounded, cut off and overwhelmed.

Apart from having large numbers of rapid-fire modern weapons (compared with the single-shot Springfield carbines of the cavalry), the natives won because of Custer's idiotic decision to split his command in the face of a numerically superior enemy - each part was then defeated in detail. It is interested to speculate what would have happened if the command had been kept together and approached the native villages from the east instead of the south.

It is calculated from Archaeology on the Custer battlefield that around 1 in 3 of the native warriors carried a firearm, including over 200 repeating rifles and over 400 other cartridge weapons, plus Indian use of captured Springfield carbines.

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Crazy Horse did not win that battle, General Custer did. The battle was also called Custers last stand.

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flodgy plodgy

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Q: How did the Sioux Indians win the Battle of Little Bighorn?
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What events led to the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

Sioux forces led by Crazy Horse surrounded and defeated Custer and his troops.

What were the achievements of the Sioux Indians?

The achievements of the Sioux Indians was the Battle of Little Big Horn, where the Sioux Indians at an Indian camp fought off early American forces when they tried to take their territory.

Where was the site of the Sioux massacre of George Custer's 7th Cavalry?

Quote: The Battle of the Little Bighorn, known to the Lakota and other Plains Indians as the Battle of the Greasy Grass and commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand. Unquote. As this quote states, it was not just the Sioux, but a combination of other tribes, that brought Custer's downfall. The battle took place in Montana.

What Civil war general died in a standoff with Sioux and Cheyenne Indians in Montana?

George Armstrong Custer. Ever hear of the battle of the Little Big Horn?

What state was Custer's last stand located in?

It is also called the Battle of the Little Bighorn, fought on 25to 26 June 1876. General Custer was the leader of the American army, and they were all killed by the Native Americans=======================================Custer's Last Stand was the part of the battle known as the Battle of Little Big Horn, but it was not the only part. Custer and five companies of the US 7th Cavalry were killed, except for one man whom Custer had sent as a messenger to Captain Benteen. Earlier, Major Reno clashed with the Sioux and took casualties, but the regiment survived.========================================That was not actually a war, it was the Battle of the Little Bighorn. It is known to the Lakota as the Battle of the Greasy Grass. It was the most prominent action in the Great Sioux War of 1876.Little Big Horn

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At the battle of the Little Bighorn the Sioux Indians defeated the US Army under the leadership of who?

George Custer

At the battle of the Little Bighorn the Sioux Indians defeated the US Army under the leadership of what officer?

General George Armstrong Custer was the commanding officer of the 7th Cavalry, which was defeated by the Sioux at the Little Bighorn.

Who won the battle of little bighorn?

The Sioux Indians had won the battle with all of their decisive tactics used during it.

What is important to the Sioux?

The special thing about The Sioux is that they are a unique tribe. Probably the only two tribes that participated in the battle of the little bighorn. Sioux Indians are special.

At the Battle of Little Bighorn the Sioux Indians defeated the you s army under the leadership of?

General Goerge Armstrong Custer

Who was the battle of little bighorn between?

The Participants in this Battle were- US Government- The Sioux Clan- Cheyenne- Arapaho

The last lakota Sioux military victory over us soldiers occured at where?

The Little Bighorn

What achievements did the Sioux have?

The Sioux Indians' best achievement was The Battle of Little Bighorn, where the Sioux Indians at an Indian camp fought off early American forces when they tried to take their territory. The Indians killed many Americans, including general George Custer, a major U.S. military leader.

Who was involved in the little bighorn battle?

The Participants in this Battle were- US Government- The Sioux Clan- Cheyenne- Arapaho

Who was the Sioux leader in the battle of the Little Bighorn in which General Custer died?

it is sitting bull

The Sioux and cheyenne defeated the US cavalry at the battle of?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn, is where the cheyenne defeated the us army.

What event led to the hunting down of Sioux Warriors by federal troops?

battle of little bighorn