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Q: How did the Texans react to Stephen f Austin's arrest?
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How did Texas as a state react to Stephen F Austin's imprisonment in Mexico?

i think it was where he was in mexico,and they didn't like it

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the world was against some of Germany was against it too but to afraid to admitted cause of Hitler.

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Those of us in school were allowed to go home for lunch and an extra hour to watch the assassination and arrest and murder of Jack Ruby on TV

How does romeo react to Paris attempt to arrest him?

When Paris attempts to arrest him, Romeo reacts defensively and refuses to comply, leading to a confrontation between them. He is hot-headed and determined to defy Paris, as he is already emotionally charged due to his circumstances. Ultimately, Romeo's actions escalate the situation and contribute to the tragic outcome.

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Rosa Parks arrest started protests by blacks and the blacks boycotted usage of buses. The whites probably thought she deserves punishment since at this point in time, white people still did not believe in civil rights.

Im a soldier in the military and you have warrant for your arrest in California?

How the military will react depends on the type of warrant. If it is a warrant for a felony, then extradition is likely. For a lesser charge, adjucation by the military is a possibility, meaning that the charge will be handled by the military through NJP.

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