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They did not.

Early cave art is actually very sophisticated. They often used natural shapes in the rock to make the animals they drew look 3D.

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5d ago

Cave painting artists used a form of perspective by depicting things closer to them larger in size, while things farther away were smaller. This technique gave the illusion of depth and distance in their paintings.

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Q: How did the cave painting artists use perspective?
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Perspective is a method that makes a drawing or painting look three-dimensional. Artists had tried to use perspective before, but Renaissance artists perfected it. Using perspective, objects in a scene appear to be at different distances away from the viewer. The result is a more realistic image. To make their paintings more realistic, artists had also used a technique called chiaroscuro. Chiaroscuro softened edges by using light and shadows instead of stiff outlines to separate objects. In Italian, chiaro means "clear or light," and oscuro means "dark." Chiaroscuro created more drama and emotion in a painting.

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Who invented perspective art?

Artists have employed the use of perspective for eons, however wobbly. Atmospheric perspective (where we see mountains receding into the mist and fog) has been used in Chinese and Japanese painting as well as in that of Northern Europe and Scandinavia. The person to really nail down linear perspective was engineer/architect Fillipo Brunelleschi. He is the one who came up with the iron-clad laws of vanishing points and perspective grids. This forever changed drawing and painting.