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Martin Luther for his refusal to retact his 95 theses was excommunicated by Pope Leo X and declared an outlaw by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V @ 1521. Emperor Charles ordered Martin Luther's arrest at the Diet of Worms. Luther was "accosted" by masked bandits and given protection by Edward III. Martin Luther was branded a heretic. Luther died around 1546.

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The Church opposed the teachings through various means: there were many individual Catholics who responded, on an individual basis to Luther's heretical notions, including Johann Eck, who debated Luther, St. Thomas More and others issued tracts attacking Luther's bizarre notions.

Then, receiving no satisfactory response, the Holy Father stepped in and issued Exsurge Domine on 15 June 1520 condemned numerous propositions of Luther's individually. He also suspended Father Luther's preaching privileges and called on him to repent of his gross errors.

When this had no effect, the Holy Father issued his Bull of Excommunication of Martin Luther, the heretic, and his followers on 3 January 1521 entitlted Decet Romanum Pontificem.

Finally, as Luther's ideas got wilder and more removed from Christianity, and as many German princes followed him into apostasy, The Holy Father called the Council of Trent, which reiterated the teaching of Christ, which had always and everywhere been proclaimed by the Holy Catholic Church, and specifically condemned those protestant heretics who had so rent and spoiled the One, Holy, Catholic Church and Her Teachings. See the links below:

CONDEMNING THE ERRORS OF MARTIN LUTHERExsurge DomineBull of Pope Leo X issued June 15, 1520
Decet Romanum Pontificem

Papal Bull on the Condemnation and Excommunication of Martin Luther, the Heretic, and his Followers, January 3, 1521.
The Council of Trent
The canons and decrees of the sacred
and oecumenical Council of Trent
Ed. and trans. J. Waterworth (London: Dolman, 1848)

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Q: How did the church oppose to the teachings of Martin Luther?
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.Catholic AnswerFor the most part, they were more upset with the protestant "reformers" like Martin Luther and Henry VIII then they were with the Church. Luther and Henry were having personal problems dealing with their own sin - they had issues, and instead of confessing their sins and dealing with them, they blamed the Catholic Church In Martin Luther's case, the princes of northern Germany latched on to him and his ideas in order to separate their states from having to pay and be obedient to Rome. In Henry's case, he started his own Church to legitimatize his bastard child by marrying the woman he threw over his Queen for. In the first case the result was the "Lutheran Church", in the second case, the result was the "Anglican Church." In both cases, the people were very upset about losing their Churches, their priests, their sacraments, etc. In the first case, I would recommend The Facts About Luther by Msgr. Patrick F. O'Hare, LL.D., in the second case, I would recommend The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580, by Eamon Duffy.

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