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They boarded 4 ships at that were in the port. On one ship they hit the guard over the head and knocked him out. On the other 3 they had no problems with the guards. They were NOT dressed as Indians and they didn't care who knew who they were. They were smugglers of Dutch tea that would have cost more because the British tea would cost LESS because the tax was made LOWER.

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Q: How did the colonists get on the ships to dump the tea?
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Why did the colonists destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor

Why did several colonist dump tea into boston harbor?

Many colonists protested the Tea Act. On December 16, 1773 a group of colonists in Boston dressed as Native Americans. They boarded three Tea ships. They dumped 342 chests of Tea into the Boston Harbor. Several colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to Boycott or Protest the Tea act.

When did the Colonists dump tea in to Boston Harbor?

The day of the Boston Tea Party. Which was December 16, 1773

In the Boston tea party did the colonists throw the tea of the dock or the ships?

I don't understand this question, but they threw the tea over from a ship into the water.

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Paul Revere did not dump the tea into the Boston Harbor. A group of colonists boarded a ship on the night of December 16, 1773 and working quickly dumped valuable tea into the bay. This is known as the Boston Tea Party.

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they secretly boarded ships then dumping the tea overboard

Which US harbor did locals dump tea from British ships in 1773?


How long did the colonists take to dump the tea off the Dartmouth the Beaver and the Eleanor?

It took 2-3 hours to dump the 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

What did the colonists do to stop the British besides dump the tea?

they ding dong ditched their houses

Why did the tea party go on?

England was taxing the colonists so the colonists invaded one of England's ships and dumped all of their tea into the bay.

When did they dump the tea at the Boston Tea Party?

December 16, 1773 Hope this is what you meant♥

Why did the colonist destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor