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yellow fever was killing people. possible workers for the Panama canal

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Q: How did the finding yellow fever in Cuba affect the building of the Panamal Canal?
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They yellow fish in the tank finding nemo?

is named bubbles and is a yellow tang.

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Who does yellow fever affect?

People and Monkeys

How did yellow fever play a role in the building of the Panama canal?

how did yellow fever play a role in the Panama Canal

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it's behind a building

What problems were there building the Panama Canal?

Yellow fever & malaria.

What fish was bill in finding nemo?

Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus)

What kind of fish is Bubbles on Finding Nemo?

Bubbles is a Yellow Tang fish.

What do you do after reading file x sideways in Poptropica?

You keep going until you see a building with yellow lights; the yellow lights shock you so be careful. Then go to the end of that building then wait for the yellow light to go. Jump on the window ledge. Keep doing that until you get to the top of the building, then there will be more of those and you just keep going.

How do you get the yellow flower essence in mysims agents?

If you go to Gino's restaurant and use the extractor on that building you will get a yellow base essence.

How do yellow affect human behavior?

Red, yellow and orange suggest a form of eagerness or maybe anger and frustration to others. But yellow can be associated with the word Caution. Yellow is used as a slang term to describe Asians. Yellow is associated with cowardliness. Yellow journalism suggests exaggerated, distorted or exploited journalism. Mellow yellow was popular amongst hippies. Easter is partly represented by Yellow. Taxis and rescue helicopters are yellow for visability. Yellow does affect human behaviour