

How did the first man on Earth get on Earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Evolution! Or god, but truly believe that god made evolution and that's that end of story no buts about it:)

There could be a myriad of explanations, but really, The Bible IS correct in its account that God created man directly in His own image.

This fact was borne out by Denis Towers' published discovery in 2007 - over a 10 year kinesiological and behavioral study into the fact - that Man and the snake present as biological and behavioral 'opposites' when examined under comparative study - outside evolution's fabricated "natural histories".

This discovery tends to support the notion of a deliberation of, and Mastermind behind, 'design'.

Secondly, it tends to support the Biblical account, which claimed that the serpent 'opposed' man and God [in whose image man was created] from the beginning. According to the account, God cursed all things - particularly the serpent, and changed them, including in appearance and behaviour, as described.

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