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It allowed them to create democracy and the Olympics.

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Q: How did the growth of wealth spread new ideas in Greece?
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How did the growth of wealth through trade contribute to the spread of new ideas of Greece?

by social studies

How did growth of wealth through trade contribute to the spread of new ideas in Greece?

by social studies

How did growth of the wealth through trade contribute to the spread of new ideas in Greece?

by social studies

How did ideas get around in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece ideas were mainly spread verbally. People talked about them.

What were the ideas spread during Hellenistic Greece?


What was the spread of Enlightenment ideas helped by?

The growth of cities and towns-apex There are a four ideals that helped spread enlightenment. The four ideals were the rise of the public sphere and public opinion, the growth of a print culture and literary market, the breakdown of abolitionist politics and the rise of coffee houses, clubs, social gatherings.

How did the ideas of the ancients Greeks spread beyond Greece during the Hellenistic age?

Alexander the great conquerd most of the know world and spread the greek language and greek ideas that's why it was called a hellenistic empire

Why did rome borrow ideas from greek?

Roman culture and language was inferior to that of the Greeks.

What effect does the interconnectedness of modern media have on society?

Contributing to the faster spread of ideas.

What is the root meaning of disseminate?

To sow broadcast or as seed; to scatter for growth and propagation, like seed; to spread abroad; to diffuse; as, principles, ideas, opinions, and errors are disseminated when they are spread abroad for propagation., To spread or extend by dispersion.

How did travel and marriage spread renaissance ideas?

Travel and marriage spread renaissance ideas, By when you married you would spread ideas to you kids and spouse, and when you travel you spread it where you go

Who are the people who spread religious ideas?

People who spread religious ideas are called missionaries.