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I don't think the inventions added or subtracted to the division between the states. It just made the war more deadly. A good example of that is the repeater rifle. At the start of the war guns still only could shoot once, but when the repeater rifle came out it changed warfare. Yet, the style of warfare didn't change, so the Death Rate went up because newer weapons were more accurate and could shoot more bullets. There were many inventions in the civil war, but the one invention that may have changed people's minds about war was the photos of the war. When Brady began taking the photos of what he saw in the battlefields ( he did pose and move bodies for effect) it changed people's views of war. This could have changed how people saw the war ( just as the TV did with Vietnam) and may have added to cries for it to stop.

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Q: How did the inventions during the Civil War both unify and divide the nation?
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