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The 613 commandments came from the Torah and the tradition is that Abraham is the father of the Jewish people. Abraham came from Ur-Kasdim, in Western Asia.


It was the sages of the Talmud (Makkot 23b) who stated that the exact number of the Torah's commands is 613. They didn't list the mitzvot (commands), but later Rabbis (Rambam, Ramban, Ikkarim, Smag and others) have done so.

The commands themselves came to be through the prophecy of God to Moses (Exodus 24:12).

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Q: How did the number of the 613 commandments from the Torah come to be?
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What is the number of commandments which the Torah is made up of?


How many commandments did the Torah have?

The Torah did have, and still has, 613 commandments, according to Jewish tradition.

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Yes, the Torah contains 613 commandments.

How many Mitzvah's are there?

613, which are divided into 365 negative commandments ("do not...") and 248 positive commandments ("Do...").

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The fringes or "tsitsit" (ציצית) are knotted in such a way as to symbolize the 613 commandments of the Torah. The commandment to wear fringes is in the Torah.

Do Jews have a lot of rules?

Yes, there are 613 Torah-commandments, plus many customs.

Are the 613 commandments God gave to Moses in the old testament?

Yes, they are. They're all within the first third of the Hebrew Bible, which is called the Torah. The number of commandments, 613, is stated in the Talmud (Makkot 23b) and listed by Maimonides in one of his works (Sefer Hamitzvot). See also:More about the Torah's commandments

Why Torah has 613 commandments?

I would think that the only reliable means of determining that motivation would be to ask the author.

How many Commands are there in the Bible?

Moses lists the first 10, but the Torah states 613!

Why convert to Judaism?

No reason to convert at all. G-d gave Noah 7 commandments after the flood for all humanity. A non-Jew who keeps these has a place in the World To Come just as does a Jew who must keep all 613 Commandments of the Torah.

How many total commandments did the medieval scholar Maimonides find?

In the Sefer Hamitzvot, Moses Maimonides listed 613 commandments found in the Torah. Please see the link below.