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Q: How did the settlement house movement work to address poverty?
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Where did the Settlement House Movement begin?

The Settlement House Movement began in Chicago, Illinois in 1889.

The settlement house movement led to the new profession of?

The settlement house movement led to the new profession of social work

Why was Jane Addams considered a leader of the settlement house movement?

Jane Addams was considered a leader of the settlement house movement because of the fact that she helped found the Hull House which opened its doors for immigrants that were in need of housing. With all of its programs for education and the arts, the Hull House had began the settlement house movement that had grown by 1920 to almost 500 settlement houses.

What is a resource-based settlement?

its the address to your moms house

Who is regarded as the leader of the settlement house movement?

Jane Addams is known as the leader of this movement. Her first house, Hull House in Chicago, is now a museum dedicated to her life and work.

How did the views of settlement house workers differ from nativist over immigration?

The settlement house, an approach to social reform with roots in the late 19th century and the Progressive Movement, was a method for serving the poor in urban areas by living among them and serving them directly. As the residents of settlement houses learned effective methods of helping, they then worked to transfer long-term responsibility for the programs to government agencies. Settlement house workers, in their work to find more effective solutions to poverty and injustice, also pioneered the profession of social work.

How did the hull house spark the settlement house movement?

Many ophans stayed there and it was the only house that didnt get burned by the chicago fire

What famous American woman promoted the settlement house movement in America?

Jane Addams

What solution to urban problems did the settlement house movement propose?

The Settlement House movement sought to provide adequate shelter to those who were unable to do it for themselves. The program taught provided education, healthcare and child care services for the poor. By 1913, there were over four hundred settlement houses in the United States.

Which describes the purpose of a settlement house?

A settlement house is where immigrants and poor came to learn English and skills to get jobs. Jane Addams in Chicago was a leader in the movement. ="margin-left:2em">

What was one of the goals of the settlement house movement?

To get people out of the extreme poverty they lived in and to provide better housing. Often people lived with nothing and everything they earned went to renting a small room and a little food. Some were so poor all they could do is rent a bed for the night if they had a few cents.

What were the accomplishments of settlement house movement?

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