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  1. The slave trade enabled tribes to export and make money off of their enemies that they had captured. Economically, those Africans who conquered neighbors and took them as prisoners were able to sell them to European and Arab slavers. This infused the local economy with capital from their export and, at the same time, reduced the local population. By reducing the population, there would be fewer people competing for limited resources. As demand dropped, the price for those goods would also drop.
  2. It decreased the population and scared most of the country to heart and also most stayed in their homes in case they were abducted.
  3. Families were spit apart and people were lost and separated from their loved ones.
  4. African culture suffered.
  5. White Europeans colonized parts of Africa. The Dutch and Portuguese settled in West Africa.
  6. War
  7. Africa's population stopped growing from the 1400s to the 1800s. There were not enough people left to farm for food and produce babies. The act of trading so many young and talented human beings deeply affected villages and tribes in Africa.
  8. The slave trade caused population decline in some African states but an increase in others.
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8y ago
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12y ago

well Africa was rich whit gold and diamond's and silver.

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9y ago

Slave trade affected Africa in many ways, some of which include; decrease in population, split of families, war and even breaking of African culture.

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How did the Atlantic slave trade affect societies within Africa?

It forced millions of people from their homes and transported them around the world.

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How did the slave trade affect saint-domingue?

Answer this question… Many slaves were brought from Africa to Haiti to help grow sugarcane.

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We'll never know, because there has ALWAYS been a slave trade in Africa, even today.