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Southern slave plantation interests saw an opportunity to have Kansas enter the Union as a slave state, based on the Stephen Douglas "doctrine" of popular sovereignty. Slave interests and anti-slavery groups both tried to win the territory over to their sides. The result was almost a civil war of sorts between the pro and antislavery groups.

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Q: How did the southern slave interests react to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
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How do you think the southern states will react when the slaves trade is made illegal in 1808?

They respond by encouraging breeding among the slave-families, and a vigorous trade at slave-auctions.

Why did the southern states form slave patrols?

Southern states formed slave patrols to monitor and control enslaved populations, prevent revolts, escape attempts, and enforce the institution of slavery. These patrols were a way to maintain social order and protect the economic interests of slaveholders.

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The Fugitive Slave Act most favored the interests of slaveholders in the Southern states by providing legal support for the capture and return of escaped slaves. The act required Northerners to assist in capturing and returning escaped slaves, even if they did not agree with the institution of slavery.

What did the northerners fear southerners slave owners might do?

Northerners feared that Southern slave owners might expand slavery into new territories and states, potentially increasing the political power of slave states and threatening the balance of power between free and slave states in the United States. They also feared that the economic interests of Southern slave owners would dominate national policies, leading to the spread of slavery in the country.

How did the northern react to the fugitive slave act?

Northern Abolitionists did not react favorably to the Fugitive Slave Act. This is because it supported the cause they were against.

What were the interests of slave holding states?

they didn't freed slaves

Who did fugitive slave act favored?

It favoured the Southern slave-owners.

Which colonies relied most on slave labor?

Southern Colonies.

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the succes of the southern colonies relied on the cash crops of tobaco and cotton

What are the southern slave states called?

the Confederacy

How did southerns react to slave revolts?

They passed more stricter laws.

Who wrote the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act was written by Congress as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slave-holding interests and Northern Free-Soilers. The act was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850.