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Lincoln jailed the pro-Southern leaders of Maryland without trial, because they looked as though they would take Maryland into the Confederacy.

If that had happened, Washington DC would have been entirely surrounded by enemy states.

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Q: How did the us governments response to cold war tensions lead to limitations on civil liberties?
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nothing they were kids

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In many ways. The SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talk) agreements lessened the tensions for many in the West. Critics said that the Soviets were getting the best of the deal, but talking was still preferable to fighting. The Olympic Games also reduced the tensions, as did Nixon's visit to Red China and the Apollo-Soyuz docking in orbit. Tensions were constantly up and down during the Cold War.

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There is a few ways to avoid tensions. You can start with not putting your self into a situation to where you have to get tensions.

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What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?

What opportunities adjustments and tensions did the war create for Americans?

World War II created opportunities for Americans in terms of industrial expansion, job creation, and economic growth due to increased government spending on defense. This led to more women joining the workforce and advancements in technology and medicine. However, the war also created tensions related to civil liberties, racial discrimination, and the post-war economic adjustment.

What caused tension between the British and Boers?

competition and cultural divisions it says this in my lesson :"Although tensions were largely the result of competition and cultural divisions, the limitations being placed on the Boers in dealing with native Africans added to the tension."

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