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Q: How did the woman's vote in Australia effect the whole world?
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What was Hiroshima bombings effect on Australia?

The world needed peace, the atomic bombings ended the war so the whole world was glad.

How has terrorism affected the whole world in the recent past?

in recent past terrorism effect the whole world. most of the people effect them

Is Global Warming affecting tho whole world or just Australia?

global warming doesn't just effect Australia, it effects the whole world. Because all the fumes that come form cars, trains. aeroplanes and nuclear power plants... e.g it's killing many animals and it effects human as well

How many Marmite factorys are there in the whole world?

There are two marmite factorys in the whole world! One is in Australia and the other is in the UK!!!

How did world war 2 effect the future of Australia?

yes yes

Which is the only country in the world that occupies a whole continent?

Australia is the only country that occupies an entire continent, which is also known as Australia.

Is there animal testing in Australia?

Yes, animal testing is around the whole world !

What other places did the earthquake of japan effect?

The Japan Earthquake effected the whole world really. But I know what you are talking about! Hawaii, The coast of America, basically everywhere in the pacific region but NOT AUSTRALIA, hope this helps :)

What were the effects of World War 2 on Australia's position in the world especially in Asia and the Pacific?

it didnt have a effect

How will the ozone holes in Earth's atmosphere affect living things?

A hole in the ozone layer can effect not only south America or Australia but the whole world. This is so because such holes would tend to let more sunlight than needed which would result in sun burns or skin cancer and the heat would effect the whole ecosystem in many ways which in turn would effect the whole world as ecosystems are interconnected!!

When where they first potatoes grown in Australia?

If your wondering where the first potato was grown in the US it was, New Hampshire. But in the whole world it was Ireland- not Australia.

Where does bungee jumping takes place in Australia?

It takes place in the United State and the whole world.