

How did walnuts get there name?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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The British found the nuts and decided to call them pickled walnuts because off there looks!

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What is a another name for walnuts that cut in haft?

Walnuts are walnuts. They are whole, pieces, or halves but still walnuts.

Do walnuts have carbs?

It honestly depends on the quality or brand name of the walnuts. You want unprocessed walnuts. The ingredients should only say 'Walnuts' and nothing else. If the walnuts are organic then the usual carbohydrate count would be zero. Most walnuts have a total of three carbohydrates but that doesn't include the three grams of fiber that cancels the excess carbohydrates out. Remember, eat any nut in moderation.

What is Hindi name of walnuts?

In Hindi, Walnut is called "AKHROT".

Can you preserve walnuts?

Yes, walnuts can be pickled in vinegar

Can moles crack black walnuts?

no they can not crack walnuts

How many ounces are in a tablespoon of walnuts?

A tablespoon of walnuts is typically around a little less than 1/2 ounce. It depends on how broken up the walnuts are. To get to 1 ounce of walnuts, I usually use 3 tablespoons of walnuts.

Name a food you have to crack open to eat?

Peanut Egg Walnuts Coconut Crab Pecans

Does walnuts have wheat or gluten?

No, walnuts do not contain wheat or gluten.

Where are walnuts grown?

Walnuts are grown mainly in California

do walnuts have colesterol?

Colesterol is in your blood, not in walnuts. Walnuts have unsaturated fats. Eating walnuts (and peanuts) can contribute to a higher level of good colesterol in your blood which automatically lowers the level of bad colesterol.

What nuts are walnuts relatered to?

Walnuts are in the same family (Juglandaceae) as the hickories

What is meaning of walnuts in Hindi?

The meaning of walnuts in Hindi is "akhrot".