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It depends. But here is something that cleared me up. There is a natural remedy I use call Barley Green in the powder form. The pills do not work. What I do is every morning I take a tablespoon of it, mix with a 1/2 cup of Orange Juice, and hold my nose and drink fast. It's gross, but since it's only a 1/2 a cup it's worth it. I did it for a month and was acne clear for almost a yr.

Reason for orange juice is b/c it's very strong and water makes me gag. I think you taste it more in water than you do in orange juice.

Also, holding the nose helps with less taste and smell. It makes swallowing easier.

Another thing I did two yrs after this was a chemical test and I found out that I was allergic to hair dye. Or to a chemical in the hair dye.

So also consider going to a dermatogolgist to determine if there is something that your allergic too that causes the pimples.

Also, last but not least, the barley green also helps keep your sinuses clear as well.

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9y ago

You can help to clear up acne within two weeks if you keep your skin clean, use alcohol to remove oil, keep your hair and hands off your face, and try to use a clean pillow case every night so the oil stays away from your face.

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Yes, it will take a few weeks for your skin to clear up and blemishes heal. Use your acne wash faithfully, following directions and keep your skin clean.

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If you wash your face everyday with acne wash but you still get acne, it is important that you see a dermatologist for thorough examination.

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Washing your face with gentle face wash(Not soap)at least a couple times a day.change your sheet often,never wear a shirt after you have sweat in it.over the counter acne creams will help.

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wash your face

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Two to three weeks if you don't touch it. Wash your face after any contact and also shower everyday.

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Most acne fighting face washes include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

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wash your face with saline water.

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Wash your face with salty water.

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You get acne from the oils on your face. Wash it often, and you should be good.

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Proactive Is a face wash that gets rid of acne

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yes, I tried every acne wash and my face was still bad. Go to the dermatologist, they can give you pills or special treatments for your face. Also I wash my face with a gentle dish soap, sounds awful but its the best.

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try not to touch your face. wash your face twice and a day and wash your hands before you touch your face.