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If you wash your face everyday with acne wash but you still get acne, it is important that you see a dermatologist for thorough examination.

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Q: I wash my face everyday with acne wash but I still get acne so how do I stop it?
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What is the best way to stop acne from face any food medication or something?

The best way to stop acne from appearing on your face is with a prescription medication. Your doctor will have to prescribe you the medication, which is available in both cream and pill form. There is not food that you can use on acne to stop it.

I keep leaning my head on my hands and now it's making me have bumps and acne on my face how do I stop leaning on my hands and keep the acne and bumps away?

try not to touch your face. wash your face twice and a day and wash your hands before you touch your face.

Will acne stop me joining the army?

Severe acne, or any acne cannot prevent you from enlisting for the army. To stop acne in the future, use a good reputable face wash. I recommend using 'Clean And Clear'. All of them seem to work, however the ones that say 'Daily' or 'Spots' specifically are the ones you want. Another tip: Drink plenty of water, this reduces spots appearing on your face. It reduces oil in the skin.

What can be done to protect acne?

I used Clearaphil and it works like magic. Sadly there is no way for acne to stop coming. If you use that scrub you will have your face clear in a month. I speak from experience.

Why do acnes come out?

Acne can develop for a number of reasons. The main reason acne develops is because a person is genetically more likely to have acne. This still isn't enough to cause it though. That person must also be eating and drinking certain foods that will cause acne. In certain people dairy and sugar can cause acne. Cutting these foods out can reduce or stop acne completely. A book called acne no more goes into detail about food and acne. Ultimately you need to remove these foods from your diet, else you will suffer with acne.

How do yo stop pimples?

you can't really stop them but you can prevent them from growing... have less stress, drink plenty of water, try using a face cream or pill for acne from your doctor and keep your face clean of oil

What is the best way to get eid of acne without face wash?

Cut your hair. Stop eating fatty foods. Take showers.

Is the whistle stop cafe still open?

yes, 11 - 4 everyday

Does acne stop one all your facial hair comes in?

No. It can still continue because it is in your pores. You have pores (which can still get clogged) with or without facial hair.

Why do rashes and pimples appear on your face after stopping birth control pills?

The birth control pill generally decreases acne by lowering testosterone levels. WHen you stop the birth control pill, your skin may have more acne.

Clinique acne good for you?

Clinique is the best make up to stop acne. It is make for yougner poeple. Like teens and 20s. It will work way better and give you a clearer face than cheapo covergirl (no offence) but it is cheap

What's wrong if your acne always occurs under your nose and above your lips?

Stop wiping your nose with your hand/wrist. Use tissue. When you touch your face you spread bacteria on your face, causing zits/pimples.