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Acne can develop for a number of reasons. The main reason acne develops is because a person is genetically more likely to have acne. This still isn't enough to cause it though. That person must also be eating and drinking certain foods that will cause acne. In certain people dairy and sugar can cause acne. Cutting these foods out can reduce or stop acne completely.

A book called acne no more goes into detail about food and acne. Ultimately you need to remove these foods from your diet, else you will suffer with acne.

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14y ago

It could be stress, or that you aren't washing your face enough. There are a lot of reasons!

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What are the virulence factors for propionibacterium acnes?

The primary virulence factors of propionibacterium acnes are lipase (which helps to break down the yucky oils/lipids on our face), hyaluronidase (which is an enzyme that breaks down the connective tissues and increases the permeability of connective tissues), neuraminidase, proteases, inflammatory mediators, and other enzymes.

What is the awarding of a church office to a person?

People who are elected by the church for a certain post, like Elders, De acnes and trustees.

How can you clear your face of stains and acnes?

Teens suffer acne but only while they are teens. Stains can be more long lasting until you talk with your Doctor about what can be done about them

What hydrolysis test would a positive test result be expected for the etiologic agent of acne Propionibacterium acnes?

Triglycerides hydrolysis test because this bacterium feeds on fatty acids.

What is the diagnosis for acne?

there is no specific diagnostic methods for acne,acne diagnosis is almost entirely clinical although there are some cases where blood cuture may be required for detecting presence of acne causing bacteria i.e.propionibacterium acnes..

When does moderate and severe inflammatory types of acne occur?

result after the plugged follicle is invaded by Propionibacterium acnes, a bacteria that normally lives on the skin. A pimple forms when the damaged follicle weakens and bursts open, releasing sebum, bacteria, and skin

How do you remove the hole spot from face of pimple and acnes?

take a dishrag and put hot water on it and place it there for 15 min max. then put neosporin on it to prevent infection and scaring. when it scabs over do not pick at it or it will scar. this works i do it my self and i have very bad acne

How you remove the signs of acnes?

The symptoms of acne are caused by bacteria inside the pores, you have to remove the bacteria. Vinegar and salt mixed together is also known to be an acne scar remover. Spread them over the affected area as you would if you were using a cream. Remove from the face after about ten to twenty minutes.

How can you romove acne?

okay it is 1 of my favourite question 1st try neem capsules by himalaya it immidiately stops acnes then the easiest way to fight wid acne is to dry it by tretin or benzoyl paraxide but use thi in extremely small quantity otherwise it have bad effects only apply on pimples

What are the main ingredients of Zeno Acne?

Zeno is a hand-held device which is supposed to fight acne pustules (pimples) by applying heat to the inflamed skin through a small metal pad. The device is supposed to stimulate a 'heat shock' reaction of the bacteria causing the pimple (b. acnes), in which the bacteria self-destruct under the heat stress.

How unattractive are acnes?

Personally I suffered from acne and became very self conscious. I found it very unattractive, and it made me feel very low. I'm not sure how others perceived it, but I felt very low, unattractive and definitely not pretty. I did try loads of things to get rid of my acne, and only Top Shirley Medicated Cream worked for me.