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You can opt to receive an email when your question is answered. This may be accomplished using "My Settings" (on the left) where you can change those options. You can also select "Watch Question" and that particular question will appear on your personal "watchlist", which you can review anytime you are signed in.

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Q: How do I receive answers to my questions on my message board?
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Put the answers on my message board and I will give you the questions.

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Reading the message boards it looks like there was a disagreement between supervisors Woodman and Ganderton. The message board reads like Ganderton was more interested in saving questions that had been re categorized, over getting answers for legitimate questions that users of the site had posted.

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type in anything then go to where it is answered then click on it then yay you can write on peoples message board.

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Yes you can on the my message board Icon in Quick links

How do you write to people on WikiAnswers?

You can write to any registered user - by leaving a note on their message board. Answering questions is also a way of communicating with the people who posted the question. Questions are posted anonymously so you cannot send answers to people's message boards, but all answers have an identity attached. One of those identities, "contributor" is effectively anonymous, however. Everyone else can be reached.

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The ouija board can give correct answers, but it can also give incorrect answers, and jumbled up answers. There is no yes or no answer for this question, because the board is capable of both being correct and incorrect to questions that are asked.

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Click the name of the person who answered the question and then contact him/her on their message board.

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This means the wii is receiving an update you can check the update on the wii message board most likely you will either: Receive a message from a wii friend that you registered, Receive a message from the Nintendo channel, Receive a message from the check Mii out channel, Receive a picture from a wii friend.

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Ask any computer questions you have here, on Wikianswers. You'll get more honest answers. You can ask any question about computer buying on my message board.

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I dont think you can. If you have any questions go to my message board.