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Since I've gotten the game, I've been getting all sorts of errors. Most recently there has been screen freezes. The game literally freezes but I can hear the game still playing in the background(Ex: Myself Running) I can't afford to buy a "gaming" pc . tried the following:
Verified Game Cache
Played on lowest possible graphics settings
Cleaned my pc
Reinstalled DirectX 11
Tried fixing my BIOS settings (Updating vram)
And a few minor tweaks.
I havechanged my launch options too:
-enableHT -nosplash -malloc-enableHT-malloc=tbbmalloc -noBenchmark -noLogs -noPause -world=empty
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3130M CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz

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Q: How do I run Arma3 on a weak laptop?
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