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My betta fish had a similar problem...he had a fungal infection in and around his mouth. It looked jelly like and white. I added some antibiotic drops that the pet store gave to me. They said this happens quite a bit, unfortunately he got worse and he died. This happened to two of my bettas. I cleaned their tanks weekly and used distilled water(as I was instructed). This is my experience..I never got an answer. The fungus closed their mouth opening so they were unable to eat. Mine too loved to eat, and ate vigorously. _______________________________________________________________________

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Q: How do I save our Betta fish who cannot eat and who was always a great eater but now sees his food and tries to eat it but cannot get it in his mouth and will certainly starve to death?
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Will the male betta always kill the female betta?

Not always, but it's very likely. Some females kill males ;)

Does a betta always need a peace lilly in the bowl?

No! You don't have to have a plant in a betta tank.

Can Commit fish breed with Betta fish?

No, Betta fish are aggressive toward any other fish they see. They cannot mate.

Ph level for betta fish?

It should always be 7.0!!

Can a Betta fish go in the same tank as a red tailed shark?

No they cannot, also if you put two Betta fish together, they will fight.

Is it bad for a male betta fish to nibble on a girl betta?

Male Betta's are solitary. They cannot be placed with other fish. That's why they are known a Japanese fighting fish. They will kill other fish for territory.

Female betta and a male betta and they keep fhigting?

All bettas will fight each other, male or female. Always keep them separated.

Do crowntail betta fish jump?

My certainly does all the time but mostly at night before i feed him. Betta fish are quite adept jumpers. In the wild, during drought season, their survival often depends on them "jumping" from puddle to puddle to find one that's large and clean with food. It's always best to keep a lid on a betta tank. Even a piece of breatheable cloth secured with a rubber band works just fine.

Your betta is fat and not eating much so does that mean shes pregnant?

I guess your Betta has a roundish tummy. That is its normal body shape. Bettas certainly can not be pregnant because they are egg layers and don't get pregnant.

Can you put a betta fish with calla lily plant in a vase?

No betta fish cannot survive with a calla lily because the plant is basically poisoning the fish

What does it mean when a betta fish swims and stays always on the side of the bowl?


Can a female betta nreed with another fish besides a male betta?

A betta can breed with similar species like paradise fish. The bettas most often seen in pet stores are Betta splendens. They cannot interbreed with all species of bettas, some of which belong to other genera as well.