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Left alone, your system will manage quite nicely on its own. Douching is not necessary.

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Q: How do I stop douching how do I balance the good and bad bacteria?
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Can you douch while on your period will it stop?

You should never douche, it is bad for vaginal hygiene and health. Your vagina is self-cleaning, discharge flushes out dead cells and an acidic pH maintains healthy bacterial balance - douching effects vaginal pH, washes away lubrication needed to protect vaginal tissues, and can force harmful bacteria further into the vagina. Douching can increase risks of vaginal infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, TSS, and STD's. Douching will not stop menstruation. Menstruation is when the uterus lining is shed, it is controlled by hormones throughout your menstrual cycle. Douching cleans-out the vaginal canal so has zero effect on your uterus and no effect on your menstrual cycle.

Can douching with vinegar stop a pregnancy not prevent it but stop it in it's track?

No. Vinegar will not make you abort and douching will not do it either. If you are pregnant the uterus is closed so nothing goes inside.

Can doucing stop menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between the brain and reproductive organs - douching inside your vagina has no effect on your menstrual cycle what-so-ever. Douching is also unhygienic and unhealthy as it can change vaginal pH, force harmful bacteria further into the vagina, and strip vaginal walls of lubrication.

What first line of defence will stop bacteria?

what first line of defence wiil stop bacteria

Can you get too much probiotics?

When a large amount of probiotics are introduced into the GI system the bad bacteria makes up for it by growing and colonizing so it is not taken over by the good bacteria. Some probiotics can stop the bad bacteria from growing and colonizing while introducing a large quantity of good bacteria into the system.

Is there good bacteria?

Yes we would not survive without the good bacteria. Most of our surfaces are covered with good or neutral bacteria - in case they are eliminated e.g. by antibiotics or too much wash the bad bugs jump on the site to make their evil deeds. An example is the vagina, with in normally populated with good lactic acid bacteria. Only when they stop dominating, other organisms take over at the woman may acquire bacterial vaginosis or thrush

How do you stop bacteria from multiplying?

Bacteria grows rapidly and there a ways and one of the main ways to stop them from multiplying is to kill them with alcohol or chemicals

If bacteria get into your stomach of a human what first line of defent of the immune system will potentially stop the bacteria?

If bacteria get into the stomach of a human the first line of defense of the immune system that will potentially stop the bacteria is the gastric juice in the stomach.

Is there a way to stop your period a day before I'm supposed to come off?

No, there is no way to stop your period a day before you are supposed to come off. The myth that douching works is nothing more than that, and is actually quite dangerous.

How does dehydration stop bacteria?

it gets rid of moisture and bacteria need moisture to grow

Does heat stop the growth of bacteria?


Does bacteria stop growing once it is refrigerated?
