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Q: How do animals get Anthrax?
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Is Anthrax a human made agent?

No, anthrax is not a human made agent. It is derived from animals.

How did Anthrax originate?

You can usually find anthrax in animals. At least that is what I read....

How can anthrax be prevented?

It cannot. You're better off vaccinating your animals for anthrax than anything.

What kind of animals carry anthrax?


Is anthrax found in spoiled meat?

yes, also in undercooked meat. But only in animals who have anthrax spores in them.

How anthrax spreads?

Anthrax from animals:Humans can become infected with anthrax by handling products from infected animals or by breathing in anthrax spores from infected animal products (like wool, for example). People also can become infected with gastrointestinal anthrax by eating undercooked meat from infected

Who does anthrax affect?

Mostly animals like cows and sheep

How does anthrax move?

Anthrax is a deadly disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that forms spores.There are three types of anthrax: skin, lung and gastrointestinal.Anthrax from animals. You can become infected with anthrax by handling products from infected animals or by breathing in anthrax spores from infected animal products (like wool, for example). You can also become infected with gastrointestinal anthrax by eating undercooked meat from infected animals.Anthrax as a weapon. Anthrax also can be used as a weapon. This happened in the US in 2001. Anthrax was spread by sending letters with powder containing anthrax. This caused 22 cases of anthrax infection, including several deaths.

What clinical form of anthrax is not contracted by exposure to infected animals?


Is Anthrax contageous?

No, anthrax is not contagious. You can't catch it from someone else who has anthrax. You can get it from infected animals/animal products though. You could also get it from terrorists using biological weaponry, but fortunately that's not a real concern for us.

What is the most common injury of anthrax?

Farm animals. Although, in the US we vaccinate farm animals against anthrax. World wide, however, sheep and cows are the most common victims of anthrax. It is more of a livestock disease than a human one. Humans are certainly susceptible to anthrax and if you walk around barefoot on a farm with an open cut you may find yourself with an anthrax infection. Anthrax is not very dangerous unless it is prepared as a weapon. You are in more danger from influenza or pneumonia. ;)

What is the common name for bacillus anthracis?

Bacillus anthracis