

How do bettas kill other fish?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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6y ago

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Bettas are slow moving and peacefull with all other species of fish. The males of the species will only fight with other males of their species.
they open up their gills so they look like a lion and then they hit against the object if further threatened or does not like the other fish

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A male Betta will only fight with another male betta. They will not fight with any other species of fish. They damage one another by colliding (head butting) and biting/ripping.

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Do bettas fight with other bettas?

yes. my friend found that out the hard way. they will kill each other

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Any other Betta can kill a female. Bettas are so agressive that they will even kill their babies if they wanter to. Also, larger predators can kill.

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Can betta fish live in a big tank with other fish?

I've always been told that bettas should live seperately which seem rediculous because they don't live like that in nature. Yes, bettas can live with other fish. Male bettas can get along with plecos, some tetras, mollies, guppies (not the fancy sort), etc. They should not be put with fish that have long fins, nor should they be kept with fish nippers (like barbs). Males can not live with other bettas though. Female bettas can live with other female bettas (as long as there are more than two females since they have a pecking order). Female bettas can live with the type of fish I described for the male, as well. Just be careful with tank mates, and have a back up plan if the fish do not get along. Make sure each fish has plenty of space and love, and you should be fine. -Raz