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The savanna (tropical grassland with light shrub cover) planes (mainly in Africa). The cheetah runs down its prey and therefore needs open spaces across which to do this. they enjoy eating frogs and lizards. Cheetahs have a top speed of aorund 60-70 miles per hour but can only run in short bursts. cheetahs have to take breaks after chasing prey or they will overheat.

common habitats are grasslands , flat areas with light brush, and savanna.

Savanna, dry forest. Ideal habitat includes some cover, or broken ground.

Cheetahs live in open grasslands or the Savannah in Africa. This gives them a panoramic view of their prey before they break into a chase. why do cheetahs eat meat cause that is their food

a cheeths habitat is either in africa or aisa
Cheetahs are found in grasslands and savannas all around Africa. They live in these areas because it is where their prey graze.
Cheetah habitat varies to included the savannah, scrubland, and desert. But is well known for living in the grasslands of Africa. They will stay where there is adequate amount of prey and water for them to survive.
savannas in Africa, dry, few trees and bushes and dry grass if any
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14y ago

Hi from Darren UK

Yes Cheetahs and even Lions blend so well in their habitat you have to be there to see it films it looks like they dont...even elephants and giraffes blend...........I was 4 years in Kenya and Tanzania so I know!!

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12y ago

The answer is: They don't! They generally just keep low and hopefully there is some tall grass! If there is the yellowy dried out grass, it is easier for them to blend in. If it is not a similar colour to the grass, they will just try to keep as low as possible so they can be hidden by the taller grass.

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11y ago

yes they do but they eat allot.

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Q: How do cheetahs blend in with the grass?
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Why are cheetahs spotty?

to blend in with the grass or in a tree

How does grass help cheetahs?

Cheetahs blend in well with the tall, dry grasses of the savanna so they are able to hide from prey as well as potential predators. Cheetahs hide their cubs in tall grass.

What are some of cheetahs adaptations?

Some adaptations of a cheetah are that they have fast speeds up to 75 MPH ( Miles Per Hour) so they can outrun their prey, and cheetahs have spots so they can blend in with the tall grass

Why do cheetahs have spots on their bodies?

it helps them to blend into their surroundings

Will Canada green grass choke out my existing bahia grass or will it blend in with it.?

It should blend in with it :)

What are some of the cheetah's adaptations?

Some adaptations of a cheetah are that they have fast speeds up to 75 MPH ( Miles Per Hour) so they can outrun their prey, and cheetahs have spots so they can blend in with the tall grass

What is a cheetahs plant habitat?

tall grass plains

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to blend in with the grass

What does a cheetahs habitat provide for them?

A cheetahs habitat provides the cheetahs with trees to climb up from enemies and to sharpen their claws. The long grass they can use for camouflage and shade. They should have water near by to clean themselves and to drink. Trees and long grass can help the cheetahs with food where they can crouch and crawl through the long grass to their prey and trees they can pounce down onto the unfortunate animal underneath.

How do cheetahs stalk their prey?

Very carefully ... they hide in the tall grass.

How does a cheetahs keep warm?

they keep warm by sleeping in long grass.

Do cheetahs build themselves a home?

No, cheetahs do not build a home. When necessary they take shelter in tall grass, especially to hide their cubs.