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I Reallly Dont Think that There Should Be A Curfew. Kids Aren't Going To Listen To Someone Who Aren't Their Parents, They're Just Going To Do What They Want Anyways.

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Q: How do curfews affect kids and or the community?
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Should Kids Have Curfews?

yes for many reasons

How do they punish kids in boarding schools in England today?

The punish them with earlier curfews and wacks.

What is the curfews for kids and how the law said about it?

Curfews are typically local ordinances, and vary from place to place.Added: Worded in sufficient legal fashion and applied properly and lawfully, the courts have generally upheld them.

Did the people in West Berlin ever have curfews?

No there were no curfews in effect for the West Germans.

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Gay adults affect kids in exactly the same way that straight adults affect kids.

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What are bad things about curfews?

Curfews can limit personal freedom and autonomy, potentially infringing on individual rights. They may also disproportionately affect certain groups, such as lower-income individuals or young people, leading to feelings of unfairness and resentment. Additionally, enforcing curfews can strain relationships between authorities and residents, creating tension in communities.

Does curfews help teens get out of trouble?

Curfews can provide structure and limit opportunities for teens to engage in risky behaviors during late hours. However, the effectiveness of curfews in keeping teens out of trouble may vary depending on factors such as enforcement, communication, and support from parents and community resources. It's essential to combine curfews with open communication, clear expectations, and positive reinforcement to help teens stay safe and make responsible choices.

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It doesn't affect the community.

What percentage of teens have curfews?
