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While food Allergies involve the immune system, food intolerance is not related to the immune system.

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Q: How do food allergies and food intolerances differ?
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What type of a disorder is rheumatoid arthritis?

RA, considered an autoimmune disorder, is often connected with food allergies/intolerances.

What kind of food will visitors be eating or not eating?

It depends on the visitors, their personal preferences and tastes, and any dietary restrictions they may or may not have (allergies, intolerances, vegetarains, ect.).

Are food allergies hereditary?

Allergies are hereditary. There is a tendency for the immune system to create IgE antibodies in people with family histories of allergies and allergic conditions like hay fever and asthma, according to NIAID.

How are allergies linked to bed-wetting?

In rare cases, allergies or intolerances to certain foods-such as dairy products, citrus products, or chocolate-can cause bed-wetting.

Is there a such thing as hypo-allergenic food?

Adverse food reactions, also called food allergies and food intolerances, affect millions of people, and are believed to cause a variety of common health complaints and diseases. Many nutritionists and physicians believe that the only definitive way to identify and manage adverse food reactions is through an Allergy Avoidance Diet.

What are the types of atopic dermatitis?

Atopic is a term used to describe people who have a tendancy to contract or suffer with a group of specific health conditions - like eczema, asthma and hay fever. These people are also more liely to have problems with food intolerances or allergies as well.

What allergies do Chinese crested dogs have?

Wool allergies, flea allergies, food allergies, and skin allergies that can be genetic. (My CC has allergies.)

What is Taylor Lautner's food allergies?

Taylor Lautner has no food allergies so there you go

What can you can Eat?

People can eat food. It varies per person what they exactly can eat. Some reasons people cannot eat certain foods are due to allergies, dislikes for taste, personal choices (vegetarian, for example), religious reasons, intolerances (lactose, for example), or disease (celiacs, for example).

Where can I find more information about cat food allergies?

You can find out about cat food allergies from your local veternarian. A website that discusses about cat food allergies you may want to consider looking at is .

What would be a good headline for a story about the rise of food allergies?

"Food Allergy Increase Confirmed""Why Are We More Allergic to Food?""Officials React to Rise in Food Allergies""Rise in Food Allergies: What can Be Done?""Why the Rise in Food Alllergies?"

Are food intolerences treatable?

Some are, mostly with adjustment of diet, some with medication most with a muliti-disciplinary approach. Actual allergies, as opposed to intolerances, may never be reversed, especially allergies which induce anaphylactic shock{severe respiratory or cardiac distress] For things that are "intolerances" watch diet, follow docs orders.If you are not sure if intolerance or allergy, get tested.Even chronic indigestion{ reflux esophogitis] MAY EVENTUALLY lead to esophogeal cancer.Don't get hypochondriacal over this. Just use common sense, moderation, and consult doc if any condition is chronic or interferes with your daily life.