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Fox are mammals just like humans so foxes feed their babies by nursing them nursing is a another word for feed so what happens is if a female fox have babies the babies suck their mother's nipples the nipples provide milk for the young ones so they can grow and mature better. Milk is like an energy drink to the pups so when they there up and going!

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Q: How do foxes feed their babies?
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If the mother animal produces milk to feed her babies, then she is a mammal. If the females of a species are mammals so are the males and children. Female foxes produce milk to feed their babies. Therefore they are mammals.

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Do foxes come out at night?

Foxes are mainly nocturnal animals and typically hunt at night. They do come out during the day as well and when they have young foxes to feed, they often are seen more during the day as they hunt to feed their young.