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firstly you would know your miscarrying because you would lose large clots of blood followed by moderate to severe cramps firstly you would know your miscarrying because you would lose large clots of blood followed by moderate to severe cramps firstly you would know your miscarrying because you would lose large clots of blood followed by moderate to severe cramps
There is no way to truly know if you have had a miscarriage unless a pregnancy was confirmed, and then it was confirmed that you were no longer pregnant, that being said some women just feel or know they are pregnant before they get a home test. almost 30% of pregnancies end in a very early miscarriage, where your period may only start a day or two late or even right on time, most of these pregnancies go undetected, though with the early tests available now, more of them are being discovered. Even in detected pregnacies the risk of miscarriage runs about 15-20%, once a heartbeat has been detected, the risk dramatically reduces. ~pawsalmighty
You won't. If it was so early you didn't even know for sure you were pregnant although very sad it should not affect your future fertility. If it keeps happening however you should see a doctor as you may have a problem.

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Q: How do i know i miscarried if I'm not sure i was pregnant?
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