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@(o_o)@ (( ))~



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Q: How do i make a monkey smiley using texting?
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If someone just puts a smiley face while texting what do you text back?

lol, :D, xD

How can you make a monkey using your keyboard?

@(o.O)@ <-| . |-> / | \

Is it possible to make money from texting?

You can make $ texting if you do it right.

How can you make a tear drop using a Keyboard?

Just go on a smiley central and do that, or go on Zim

How many smiley faces can you make using the keyboard?

Of course, that is true, but if u do not know how to make them all, u can go to

How do I get to the monkey in the simpson's game?

use lisas buuddha hannd to make a pipe to the monkey then you fight against him again using lisas buddha hand smash using square

Is there a way to tell if a guy likes u through texting?

Well, he probably wouldn't be texting with you if he didn't like you. If he texts you things to make you laugh or smile, it's a sign he likes you. If he texts you first, that's also a good sign he likes you.

How do you make a smiley face while typing?

1. To make a smiley face while typing you make a colon and then a right parenthesis.-->2. Or you can push the equal button-->( = ) and then push "Shift + 0"(at the same time) and you should end up with a smiley like this --> =)3. If you want to give your smiley a 'nose', then type a dash or a zero in between the colon and right parenthesis. :-) or :0)4. To make your smiley wink, then use a semi-colon for eyes. ;-) or ;0)5. For your smiley to 'stick out its tongue' then type an upper case 'P'. :-P6. For a cat smiley, Make a "colon" or an "equal" sign then put a 3. It looks like this :3

How do you make a smiley face on a ipnone?

":)" For a smiley or ":D" for a grin.

How do you make a happy face using the keyboard?

it depends on the smiley face sad :( shift semicolon, open bracket (shift9),(shift0) smiley :) shift semicolon, close bracket open mouth smiley :0 shift semicolon, 0 (zero not 0) wink smiley ;) semicolon (without the shift!) wink mouth open smiley ;0 ENJOY

How do you make a monkey on chat?

:(|) This is how you make a monkey.

How do you make a gun in texting?

__'____ /__.==--" /#(-' ' _'