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I am no expert in philosophy; but deciding on whether material objects exist (i.e. whether you decide that either all material objects exist, some do, or none do) will determine how you approach finding knowledge in such a reality. In a material world, you will reach knowledge based on empiricism; in a non-material world, you will reach knowledge through deductive reasoning because that a priori knowledge would be all that is possible.

Remember that empiricists and rationalists reach the same conclusions, only through different procedures. Deciding then on an idealist view or a materialist view, despite being the greatest issue in metaphysics, is thus of little consequence to epistemology.

It really depends on in metaphysics if you believe that these conclusions are real by an objective standard: I guess that means truth is the real question. I never did like metaphysics; I see it as a guessing game, trying to write things in God's dictionary.

Just develop a theory of reality for yourself and what will come from that is a method of questioning what you can and do know.

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Q: How do issues in metaphysics motivate questions of epistemology?
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Please rewrite your questions. We can not know the issues listed on your worksheet/ review questions/ test.